Surging Sparks
Many sealed items contain booster packs of different expansions and even different sets. This page shows all sealed items containing booster packs from this expansion.
The table shows all sealed items and the current price. A sealed item may contain extras such as coins, figurines, binders, etc. The price of these extras is shown in the sub table. The sum of the prices of all extras are subtracted from the price of the sealed item. Next, this remaining price is divided by the number of included boosters to get the price per booster.
Use the filter to shorten the list and only view items of interest. For example, enter “tin” so only tins are shown.
Click the link in the table to view the item page.
The table below shows all sealed items from this expansion. The columns can be sorted to show the cheapest item, the highest number of boosters or the item with the lowest price per booster.